Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Marijuana growers to face more jail than child rapists under Harper’s new omnibus bill - Exposing The Truth

Marijuana growers to face more jail than child rapists under Harper’s new omnibus bill - Exposing The Truth: "Prime Minister Stephen Harper is getting tougher on pot growers than he is on rapists of children.
Under the Tories’ omnibus crime legislation tabled Tuesday, a person growing 201 pot plants in a rental unit would receive a longer mandatory sentence than someone who rapes a toddler or forces a five-year-old to have sex with an animal.
Producing six to 200 pot plants nets an automatic six-month sentence, with an extra three months if it’s done in a rental or is deemed a public-safety hazard. Growing 201 to 500 plants brings a one-year sentence, or 1 1/2 years if it’s in a rental or poses a safety risk."

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